
This is an overview of the humanDAO's governance processes, and how you can get involved.

Governance Process

Owning even a single humanDAO token gives the holder a voice about the future of the DAO. This document is a living document intended to be owned, modified and enforced by the humanDAO community. This is a new process and as the humanDAO grows we expect these processes to change based on community engagement.

Proposals and Voting

Any DAO member can submit proposals for the ecosystem to cast their votes. Tokens may even be granted as rewards to community members that create winning proposals for the DAO to implement. Proposals and voting will be related but not limited to the following subjects:

  • Technology

  • Products and projects

  • Token distribution

  • Governance structure


Forum is a forum for governance-related discussion. Community members must register for an account before sharing or liking posts. Registering for the forum allows community members to create posts. To further draft proposals to active proposals, please request Posting rights for the relevant forum


Snapshot is a simple voting interface that allows users to signal sentiment off-chain. Votes on snapshot are weighted by the number of humanDAO delegated to the address used to vote.


The current proposal process consists of several steps summarized below. As the DAO grows, the process will adapt over time to reflect those changes. We want to promote discussion surrounding how we handle governance and the current process is subject to change.The steps put forth are considered industry standard for many large projects in their early stages.

Phase 1: Sanity Check - Discourse

In the Discuss forum, anyone can start a topic explaining their idea or proposal allowing all other community members to respond to this. The purpose of the Sanity Check is to determine if there is sufficient will to make changes to the status quo. All Sanity Check posts must contain a poll to gauge community backing.

In order for the sanity check to be passed through to a Draft Proposal it needs to fulfil the following criteria:

  • Minimum 2 days of discussion

  • 60% community approval within the poll

Phase 2: Draft Proposal - Discourse

We want to promote healthy discussion within this phase of the proposal process. When replying to discussions as a community member, please ensure you are giving constructive criticism with clear reasons to why you are for or against the proposal. We advise to not rush proposals to voting on snapshot. For that matter, discussions must be up for a minimum of three days before they can be considered for voting. If the a proposal is presented by a member of the core builder team, which has been discussed internally - Phase 2 can be reduced.

In order for the Draft Proposal to be passed through to an active proposal it needs to fulfil the following criteria:

  • Minimum 3 days of discussion (unless pre-arranged builder proposal)

  • Must have the approve, reject, and needs revision options

If the proposal has hit the above criteria it will be moved to phase 3—an active proposal to be voted upon on-chain/snapshot.

Phase 3: Active Proposal - Snapshot

Request that a moderator advance your proposal to a vote by tagging @moderators in a reply. They will move your proposal from Draft Proposals to Active Proposal in Snapshot Assign your proposal a proposal number in the form HIP###. (humanDAO improvement proposal) Create a snapshot vote for your proposal with a link to the proposal post.

  • 24hr vote delay

  • 48 hrs of voting

  • Receive quorum of 60% approval

When the proposal receives a majority of the votes in its allotted time, the proposal will be implemented by the multi-sig.

The goal is for humanDAO to gradually distribute a significant portion of its community tokens throughout the network in many different ways (more info). Token holders will determine the course of action.


The humanDAO is represented in the real world by a Cayman Islands Foundation.

Having a legal entity that represents the DAO in the "real world" is valuable for a number of reasons:

  • It provides limited liability to DAO participants for the actions of the DAO. Without a legal entity, participants may be individually held liable for anything the DAO as a whole does.

  • It is capable of complying with taxation requirements - without a legal entity, DAO participants may be held liable for a proportion of the DAO's income, even if they are not able to access these funds.

  • It is capable of entering into contracts with other "real world" entities, of holding assets (including IP rights), and so forth.

Last updated